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Could you have a more pathetic show...

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Posted by Zac on February 17, 2002 at 10:32:58:

I couldn’t help but notice how utterly pathetic the show was on Saturday. If you are planning on recruiting members in your so called "call to arms", that was not the way to recruit responsible people! There were several aspects to that show that any respectable herper would truly be offended by. First of all, whats up with the door fee? Five dollars to get into that! The Columbus and Pittsburgh society show are only three, and they ALWAYS have at least ten dealers. You guys were lucky if you had that many! And onto the dealers for that matter, those were the most ridiculous prices I have ever witnessed at a show! 175 dollars for a male hognose snake! 185 dollars for a Boa constrictor imperator that was incredibly emaciated and had mites clearly visible! However, If I want an adult atrox or Canebrake, 35 dollars and there mine. That makes you wonder how many people just wondered into there and bought a rattler to show off to there buddies. They get tag, you guys will be responsible, because there going to have to tell the hospital where he got the snake. And now onto responsibility. People were leaving there booths to BS with each other, leaving various elapids and crotes unattended! The true irony in this is that the booth that was recruiting people had a black Pakistan cobra. I actually witnessed some one tapping the lid to get the cobra to hood! And this is from the both that is recruiting people. This truly shows how “professional “ you people are! First off that snakes is under enough stress as it is, it doesn’t need to be put under undo stress! Where was someone to stop this guy from doing this? IF you want more people be more professional! Other wise someone else is going to get hurt up a t Pittsburgh, at your expense. Your “call to arms” is worthless then. I want to be taken off the membership roster as a result of this!

Zachary Loughman

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