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Re: Next week's meeting and other stuff.....

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Posted by Lisa on February 09, 2002 at 14:19:59:

In Reply to: Next week's meeting and other stuff..... posted by Todd Evans on February 07, 2002 at 10:09:16:

: Hello all,

: It's almost meeting time again. Upon finding out that the Nuin center will not be available to us, George has volunteered our apartment as the meeting site for Feb. 13 meeting.

Do you know why it is unavailable? Did we get booted by another group, or did someone forget to arrange things with Nuin?

I was actually going to attend this month (barring any unforseen mandatory overtime at work) - but I guess I won't be now...

: On the agenda will be discussion about the website (if only between myself and Chris) I would like feedback from EVERYBODY in the society. Some people have voiced their disapproval with me removing the animal of the month page, but you know what, I only got pictures from 2 members besided myself. Just as the problems that Lisa runs into with the newsletter, lack of participation is at an all time high.

If someone would bring a digital camera to every meeting, show, and showcase (or even a regular camera for that matter) you would have had a lot more opportunity to get pictures for AOM. I recently bought a cheapy digicam, and am figuring out how to use it. Assuming that people besides BU, Steve, and myself start participatiing again, AOM could return in the future - it *was* a good idea.

: Which leads me to the next topic of discussion. THE REPTILE SHOW. this will be our 5th show, 1st of this year. The reptile shows are now our number 1 fundraiser, Yet we still are only receiving limited help in planning them and working them. I apprecaite all the work that Steve puts into it, and am happy to sit at the door for 6 hours so that he doesn't have to. We need more display animals, I know george and I are running out of ideas on what to bring, and I'm sure Steve is as well. We need all the help we can get on Saturday the 16th. Even just showing up and buying something from a vendor helps out more than you may think.

Actually, I think most of the money the vendors make is from the society members at the show! (Part of the problem of course, we have to convince more members, and new people to help out and attend our show. As for display animals, you don't have to bring something different every time - a certain percentage of people will not have seen them before anyways. People are always interested in my critters.

: The third thing I think we should discuss is the API....I'm not sure how many of you have been keeping up with the stories in South Carolina and Washington, but the Animal Protection Institute is on a rampage to stop all ownership of exotic animals. I have been e-mailing the API for the past 2 weeks to try to convince somebody that their view are greatly distorted and that their law will never be passed. So what does that have to do with us? SC and WA have the same legal system in place that PA has. It's only a matter of time before the API looks in our direction. WE MUST BE PREPARED, or we'll lose everything. While the ban has really no chance of being passed, this will get legisators looking for a more appropriate approach. I personally do not see anything wrong with the system that Florida has in place, and I believe that the state government would embrace such a plan. If WE work hard at this, we may be able to draft the law for the state. If we can pull this off, then all threats we've received in the past would disappear. I truly think that we can make a difference in Pennsylvania, and maybe show the rest of the country how important a local herp society can be.

I have no clue what the issues are - but I think you are going about it backwards... If this API is causing a stink - who are they making it *TO*? You can talk to API until you're hoarse - and you won't change their minds, but if you contact the same people they are, you can attempt to counteract them and neutralize their message. Contact the appropriate officials in those states, and be an intelligent, articulate voice of reason that can educate them about herps.

: Anyway, I hope ALL of you show up on Wednesday....e-mail me for directions.

Oh well, definitely won't be there..


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