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in Sth Aust. - green gold bell frog Q

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Posted by mel on April 02, 2003 at 06:04:38:

Hi, I know there's someone from SA in this forum, cause I've been such a lurker. Please excuse me, I didn't catch who the Green and Gold Bell frog keeper was in SA?????
If you catch this...please help with your valid imput.
I have a pair of G&G Bell's, sadly both males, as I thought it was a breeding pair due to the behaviour in the store I picked them up from. Wow! What verocious eaters, and such beautiful beautiful beautiful creatures. Here's the thing... I got them green & gold, now they are deep brown. Is it seasonal or environment or temperature?

I've just got to know, because I don't want their health affected. ( they're still eating like there's nothing else on earth) I've got my name down at a store for a female - haven't heard. Poor boys. They've finally calmed somewhat now, but come breeding season ( most recently) they were each others worst nightmare.

I don't know whom I'm asking for advise - but if you've got it, I promise to send pics of my WGTFs, G & G Bell Frogs, Spotted Grass Frogs, and Eastern Banjo Frog (if I can catch him) - one of the sucessful tadpoles that has taken residence down the side of the driveway. (***I need instruction as to how to put my fav pics on this site please Mel x )r
Please excuse me for asking for too much

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