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Defecation Before Birth?

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Posted by C. Elmer on January 28, 2003 at 16:34:56:

Well, I have a gravid 4 1/2' female Amazon that went through her post-ovulator shed in the beginning of October, so I'm expecting some cute little babies anytime (and believe me, the waiting is killing me!) My question: I've heard of (don't remember where) that live bearers and other snakes will defecate when they are becoming very close to giving birth. My female has been off feed since October, but defecated in her cage last night just a small amount (not just urates, but a small amount of feces as well). Should I expect babies within a few days? Weeks? I had also just cleaned her cage, but this is the first defecation I've seen from her in a long while, and I've cleaned her cage several times over the past few months. Any thoughts/experiences/observations would be welcome!


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