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A few answers fer ya! . . .

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Posted by John Hedger on December 21, 2002 at 13:14:34:

In Reply to: I have a few questions . . . posted by leapfrog on December 21, 2002 at 11:23:26:

:Hey everyone, i have a few questions about tree boas. I would search the forum for answers but i am kind of in a hurry . . .
**I understand LeapFrog! Christmas is only four days away!!**

:What is the easiest boa to care for, that is docile and can be handled?
**Probably the easiest and most tameable and docile overall would be an Amazon Basin Emerald Tree Boa. However, they are the most expensive. Expect to pay $1500 on up for a cbb baby. I would not go with a wc if you are a beginner with the species. However, if you do buy wc... buy a subadult, not an adult animal. They adjust to captivity much better at a younger age.**

:I think Emerald tree boas are AMMMMAAZINGLY beautiful and to own one would be a dream come true, but they are very expensive and from the caresheets i read i can't get a good picture of how docile they are...
**Some are more docile than others...In general they are peaceful snakes, but WILL Bite!!and can bite pretty hard!**

:I have a Red Eared Slider turtle and a Whites Tree Frog and i would not consider myself a beginner with herps, but have never kept a snake.
**I would not recommend a tree boa as a beginners first snake unless you do the research and get the right setup,etc. Which all costs considerable money...$200+ for a cage (for adults...babies can and should be kept in smaller Rubbermaid containers), $100 for a proportional thermostat, etc...etc...Plus you have to be the type of person who doesn't mind getting bit once in a while.**

:What might be a better idea for me, since i'm only 12, would be to maybe get a beginner snake like a corn, then when i'm 15 or 16 and have money and some snake experience get a boa.
**Yes!! Maybe keep and breed corn snakes that you like!...Then maybe sell the babies to fund a tree boa purchase!!**

:Thanks everyone, and i promise i'll listen to anything you have to say.


:P.S. ONE last question -- does ATB stand for Amazon Tree Boa?
they seem to be really popular on this forum . . .
**Yes ATB does stand for Amazon Tree Boa!! and yes they are pretty popular!!They are the most variable in color! They are generally cheaper to purchase, but are the most prone to bite!! Amazons are cool snakes!**
John Hedger

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