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I have a few questions . . .

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Posted by leapfrog on December 21, 2002 at 11:23:26:

Hey everyone, i have a few questions about tree boas. I would search the forum for answers but i am kind of in a hurry . . .

What is the easiest boa to care for, that is docile and can be handled? I saw a picture several posts down that showed a boas big teath on a q-tip that kinda freaked me out -- LOL

I think Emerald tree boas are AMMMMAAZINGLY beautiful and to own one would be a dream come true, but they are very expensive and from the caresheets i read i can't get a good picture of how docile they are...

I have a Red Eared Slider turtle and a Whites Tree Frog and i would not consider myself a beginner with herps, but have never kept a snake.

What might be a better idea for me, since i'm only 12, would be to maybe get a beginner snake like a corn, then when i'm 15 or 16 and have money and some snake experience get a boa.

Thanks everyone, and i promise i'll listen to anything you have to say.


P.S. ONE last question -- does ATB stand for Amazon Tree Boa? they seem to be really popular on this forum . . .

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