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Feeder Dwarf Hamsters testimony

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Posted by Gary D. on December 13, 2002 at 21:58:16:

In Reply to: Re: He won't eat!!! posted by Mike H. on December 12, 2002 at 10:28:40:

Hi, some of you might know me from the boa forum, the rest of you likey don't. I used to have a trio of ATB's but sold them to make room (and appease the wife). I miss those evil beasties and plan to acquire more soon, In the meantime I lurk here a bit. Anyway to the point...

I acquired a WC adult male Guyanan B.c.c. who had not eaten on his own in captivity. All of his three previous owners had given up on him and passed him off cheap. After a week in my posession he started eating Dwarf hamsters. Mind you it cost a small fortune to feed a 6' boa on Dwarf hamsters, regardless of how good a deal you could get. But they do work.

Gary D.

::I've tried rats,mice, and gerbils with no success.

:Have you tried Russian Dwarf Hamsters? They work great on Amazons and Emeralds. A lot of colubrid breeders (like myself) use dwarf pinks and fuzzies for stubborn hatchlings too.

:BTW, compare prices at all your local pet shops, they'll range from $10 or more to as little as 2 for $5

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