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New Tegu Owner ..... suggestions

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Posted by gruveb on May 11, 2003 at 20:43:33:

In Reply to: New Tegu Owner ..... suggestions posted by barker109 on May 11, 2003 at 20:04:10:

:::I purchased an 18 month old red tegu two weeks ago. I'm not a completely inexperienced reptile owner as I've owned an iguana, I have an adult savannah monitor and several snakes.

:::The store had this tegu since he was a baby, and claimed he wouldn't eat any fruits. I've been able to get him to eat kiwi, bananas and apples. His diet consists of those things, earth worms, meal worms, and crickets rights now. I am starting a colony of hissing cockroaches, but that will be a while.

:::Anyhow, any tips and ideas on what I should do to ensure a happy and healthy "Fluffy?"

:::I'm attaching a picture of Fluffy. We just got him home and I kept him in an empty 55 gallon aquarium for the night. Now he's in a nicely decorated 55 gallon which I'll post pictures of later. His perminent enclosure is under construction.

::Have you tried any mice? Just wondering.
::Take care,

:Sorry, forgot to add that he/she is really nice. Hows the personality?
:Take care,
:Karen, again

The store fed him rats. I've fed him a rat as well. I do believe he is 18 months because it's a store that I always go to and I remember having seen him there (seemingly forever).

Personality: HUNGRY!

He's pretty jumpy really. I haven't tried to handle him more than to move him from one place to another. I'll let him get used to things first.

Since that picture he's shed and is really starting to get some nice colors.

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