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Posted by Rollin on May 12, 2003 at 08:07:06:

In Reply to: Why SDZ instead of a fruit/veg/whole animal/insect diet? posted by Blakes_girl on May 11, 2003 at 22:34:41:

Yeah for sure Lindsay! I feed mine at least 3 different types of food a day. I'll feed them one thing as much as they'll eat then I'll go get something else, they get all excited and start eating that until they get sick of it but they'll still eat something else too! I use mice and superworms the most. For the variety I feed SDZ, fruits, sardines, chicken, ham, mussels, various cooked fish, oysters, cooked egg stuff like that. They really like variety even more then my other lizards do. They get tired of something if I feed it too often. I think mice are the best because it seems the fur keeps their stool together, maybe it's like fiber for them or something.

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