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Why I use 140F....

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Posted by smaug on May 07, 2003 at 18:20:57:

In Reply to: Tempizzle posted by shad925 on May 07, 2003 at 15:58:20:

Watch your animal. Does he spend most of his day under the basking spot? If so raise the temp up. Does he spend less time basking and more time doing Tegu stuff?, raise it up some more and see what happens. My animal may only use the 140F once a week, but at least its there if he wants to.

I agree that 140F might be too much in a smaller cage younger Tegus are typically kept in. In my 6'x3' cage I have an array of two bulbs producing this heat at the top of a large branch. A single bulb may make it harder for the animal to tell how hot it really is, and is more likely to result in burns. (That's why you should always use flood lights.)

Also, make sure your temps are what you think they are.If you are not using a properly calibrated temp gun, or at least a good probe thermometer, you could be waaaay off.

My rant for the day.....


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