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Yeah cool!, about the fish

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Posted by Rollin on May 05, 2003 at 12:36:53:

In Reply to: Pond In Tegu Cage? posted by Blakes_girl on May 04, 2003 at 23:50:01:

I don't know if your aware of this but some people argue against feeding goldfish. Some of the reasons they give is that they're the carp of the fish world, they got some bad anti-calcium enzyme, they are too high in fat, and that they are factory raised by the millions and are all parasite ridden. Before I heard all this I was feeing goldfish almost daily. I would have to say they were hands down their all time favorite food, and they were cheep 2 bucks a dozen. I got persuaded by the parasite argument because I figured if I only feed frozen food, ground turkey, and superworms I wouldn't have to worry about it. Maybe a better fish would be guppies like "Contemplate" is considering hehe. Some people would also suggest minnows from a bait shop instead. Mine like sardines, but not as much as goldfish. You can find a lot more about this on the turtle forum. Yeah they eat a lot of fish in the wild as well as snails and stuff.

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