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i got one!!!

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Posted by Rollin on April 30, 2003 at 09:27:24:

In Reply to: i got one!!! posted by mike d on April 29, 2003 at 19:23:55:

Glad to hear it, sounds like the tegu community is growing : ) You'll have to post some pictures soon. Feed him as much as possible a couple times a day if you can until he gets to be his full size then cut back.
It depends how you measure the temperature, if you put the thermometer on the side of the cage by the basking spot that would be measuring the air temperature, like you hear on the weather channel, it really shouldn't be more then 90 or so, the cool end shouldn't be more then low 80s. If you put the thermometer directly under the light on the basking spot it depends on what the thermometer is as to what kind or reading you'll get, if it's dark colored it'll give a higher reading because it absorbs the light. I put mine at 130 with a digital thermometer with the probe under the light. It might sound like it's really hot but I can keep my hand there no problem it's really not that hot when your talking about surface temperature. For instance if you walk on a road without shoes or go to the beach the sand can be easily be more then 150, or if you put on a black shirt you'll be hotterthen with white, that's why we don't measure surface temps in day to day life, because it depends on the surface. If your worried about it being to hot worry about that on the cool end of the cage, a good rule of thumb: if it doesn't burn you it's not going to burn your tegu. It's better to be safe then sorry, your reptile isn't warm blooded and needs heat to digest, if he gets to hot he'll move, they are good at thermo regulating they do it all the time.

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