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The current classification that is most widely accepted...

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Posted by Kenny Wray on January 07, 2003 at 20:35:17:

In Reply to: A question for the turtle people here. posted by James Wilson on January 07, 2003 at 15:05:57:

is Trachemys, although there has been recent suggestions to lump them back into the genus Pseudemys. This, however, does not seem to be acceptable by many workers for various reasons.

The Audobon Field Guide is so out of date, it's incredible, but the publishers have refused to allow an updated edition to be published, rather just continue printing the first edition (I believe it is going on its 16th or 17th printing). I think most of us have been waiting an eternity for the third edition of Stebbins' Western Field Guide to come out, as it to is outdated.

The members of the genus Trachemys were originally placed in the genus Chrysemys and then later moved in with the cooters in the genus Pseudemys, where they were subsequently removed into the genus Trachemys. You are seeing this taxonomic fluctuation in your references.
Hope that helps,
Later, KW

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