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Petco and Calci-Sand... why they use it

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Posted by Thera on August 11, 2002 at 01:34:15:

I don't know if anyone has noticed lately that all petco have switched to calci-sand on their leopard geckos. I myself had wondered why, here's the inside skoop...

Petco is using it because T-Rex is giving Petco deals for using their product. If petco uses it they're hoping petco will recommend their sand and boost their sales (after all the emplyees are morons, they just recommend what they see in the cages).

Just interesting to think isn't it? Petco says that while problems are "rare" they'll use it anyway cos the risks are worth it. They actually also buy the fact that this is an can be used as a form of supplement... My opinion is... you shouldn't eat what you're pooping on.

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