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Re: Speaking of Mazuri...

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Posted by Lynn_DeVries on January 27, 2003 at 19:11:01:

In Reply to: Speaking of Mazuri... posted by DS on January 27, 2003 at 14:23:31:

:I noticed the number one ingrediant in Mazuri's turtle food is corn, and soy is up towards the top too, I can't seem to remember where I read this but aren't those ingrediants not only of no nutritional value to turtles but can also be dangerous? Also, Lynn, some dog foods contain a dye that can be harmful to reptiles, not sure which brands. I don't keep snappers yet but I assume things that are bad for other species of turtles are bad for them as well.


I like to think that the folks at Mazuri know more about turtle nutrition than I ever will. Corn passes through the digestive system of Crocdilians and probably some turtle species as well. the Common Snapper seems to digest it very well.
I have never heard about some types of dogfood dye being harmfull to reptiles, but I would imagine it's possible. I feed OL'ROY and Purina DOG CHOW, but as only a part of the diet not exclusivly. The only food I have fed exclusivly to Snappers and had success with is Wardleys Reptile diet and Reptomin (on test animals). These diets get prohibitivly expensive as the Snappers reach adult size. I have heard good things about other commercial turtle diets such as ZOO MED. however I have never tried it . And I am sure that there are others.
I try and answer the questions that are posed specificaly to me, and just tell people what I do and not what to do. and let them make up their own minds. Rather than offer general advice. When it comes to Snapping Turtles there is so much that is not fully understood, that all we can do is rely on past experience. Cheers! Lynn

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