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Re: Diets...

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Posted by Lynn_DeVries on January 27, 2003 at 21:31:51:

In Reply to: Diets... posted by DS on January 27, 2003 at 21:01:18:

:Hi Lynn,
:I hope I didn't come off as being confrontational or as disagreeing with your husbandry techniques. It was the Mazuri website or an article they ran about the dye in dog food that is fed to mice being dangerous to reptiles, if it can be harmful in an indirect way I would imagine it as being just as bad in a direct way, not saying you shouldn't feed dog food and if it has worked for you, just something you might want to look into. Also, about the commercial diets, yes they can add up, especially when feeding a turtle as large as a snapper. I have raised spotted and wood turtles on Reptomin, I just have a problem with the fact that most if not all of the commercial diets consist mainly of fillers, Mazuri (to my surprise) included. I'd be interested if anyone could make a nutritionally beneficial diet of their own, such as raw lean ground beef with some other ingredients frozen then thawed and fed, not fed exclusively ofcourse, just as a staple. OK I've already said too much, haha.


I have been looking for a commercially prepared diet for years. I need one that is nutritionaly sound,available in the right size pellet,readily available,and affordable. Even if the Mazuri diet is acceptable it is only available in a small 3/16 inch pellet. For them to make it in a larger pellet they have a 20 ton minimum order. If I could get Reptomin in a half inch pellet and it cost 25.00 per 50lb bag I'd be happy. Until then...the search goes on. Lynn

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