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Re: my new ally....

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Posted by Covenant on December 27, 2002 at 11:47:49:

In Reply to: my new ally.... posted by sk8r009 on December 27, 2002 at 11:16:46:

Hello. Welp I got my Alligator Snapping Turtle from Troy also. Looks pretty much like yours. I don't know about yours but mine is about 8 inches. He said it was about 6 inches. And yeah he was skinny when I got him. He's been eating though. He's eaten since I got him about two to three dozen 2 inch goldfish. So he does eat good. I ended up calling John Richards (I believe that's his name.) I talked to him for about 20 or 30 minutes. Real nice guy. I was looking to buy between a 50 and 100 pound Alligator Snapper for the zoo I work for. And I told him I bought a Alligator Snapper from some one in LA and he knew exactly who I bought him from. He said I was lucky to even get the Alligator Snapper from Troy and that Troy owes him a bunch of money. He also told me some stuff about legal issues, about sending Alligator Snapping Turtles over LA's state border. But I won't go into that. Any ways all of my Alligator Snapping Turtles are eating good. I also ordered 2 pink skinned Alligator Snappers from the P&J turtle farm. They should be here next week. I sent them a money order yesterday. I wanted to see what they were like. And I had some extra money so I ordered a couple. My room mate got a digital camera for Christams so once she get's back from visiting her family I'll hook it up to my computer and send ya'll some pictures of every thing.

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