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Questions for Lynn-

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Posted by Gamera on October 28, 2002 at 20:23:38:

In Reply to: Re: 19 posted by Lynn_DeVries on October 28, 2002 at 18:49:31:

Hiya Lynn-

First of all, thanks for sharing pics of your awsome turts.

You mentioned in one of your earlier posts that you feed your snappers chickens. How do you prepare your chickens? Some people recommended that I boil my chickens first to lessen the chance of salomella, but I seen a bunch of croc people just toss uncook chickens into their pens. I usually go to my local butcher and buy my turt food by the case and just defrost and straight into their mouths (im probably gonna get scolded now). But I used to boil them but that became a hassle. Other than chicken, I'll go to my local grocery and go to their fish dept. and ask for their throw aways (i.e. crab bait such as salmon head and tails and fish filets that have expired in the show case) and as a treat, I'll give them live crayfish (although some people say thats a no, no. But they eat them in the wild, go figure).

Several years ago, if I remember correctly, you were trying to get an albino snapper breeding program going, how is that going?

I notice you have a nice high yellow common snapper, have you ever come across any nice unusual colored ali'snap?

Thanks for taking the time to read this and any info will be greatly appreciated.


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