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Re: Tapeworm!?

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Posted by JD96 on March 06, 2003 at 11:01:51:

In Reply to: Tapeworm!? posted by Dexter6185 on February 20, 2003 at 12:58:34:

Take both turtles to the vet along w/ the worm(sounds like a tape to me, just to make sure)and a fresh fecal sample if possible. If the fecal comes up negative (tapeworm eggs rarely show up, they are to heavy and wont float to the top of the fecal medium). The vet can give them a shot of Droncit, this is an injectable drug that kills tapeworms. If there are other parasites the vet will probably do Droncit(for the tapes) and Panacur solution not paste(paste is fine but more concentrated). Clean their encolsures well before putting them back in (get some Novasan solution or surgical scrub while at the vets, also rubbing alcohol works well, rinse really well). Also long as you are safe after handling and clean don't worry about transmitting the tapes, they are usually transmitted through ingestion or by fleas in mammals. Good luck

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