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Posted by Dexter6185 on February 20, 2003 at 12:58:34:

As I was watcheing my baby snapper eat, he pooped out regular poop, and what looks to be a tapeworm! It's long, around 9", white and ribbon-like and very thin. When I saw it come out, it seemed to be attached to the inside of the cloaca. I picked him out of the water and pulled as much as I could out. I can't tell if I have the head or not. I have two common snappers, Koopa and Toka, about 2.5" (carapace) long. I've had them for about 5 months. I found them when they were hatchlings in my yard and on my drive way (there's a creek behind my house), and they were approx. 1" carapace lenght. Their diets include mealworms, turtle pellets (Reptomin and Wardly brand),feeder fish, various lunchmeats, earthworms, and an occasional cricket. They are kept seperate in two plastic containers I clean every weekend. I've cared for snapping turtles for many years now, and never seen this before. The little guy who pooped it out (Koopa) is growing at a steady rate, and is plump and active.
I believe it could either be from a food source (fish?) or from feces.
Can turtles even have tapeworm? If so, how do I get rid of it?
Most importantly, can I get it, or any of the other animals I have?
From what I know about tapeworm, the eggs are usually in the fecies. But what confuses me is that Koopa hasn't been exposed to the waste of any other animals, which leads me to believe he may have had it when I found him.

What do you all think?


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