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Life with Dill today....

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Posted by Brian-SFCRC on May 09, 2003 at 16:56:34:

In Reply to: Life with Dill today.... posted by icequeen on May 08, 2003 at 22:29:37:


Hi Kim,

Yes, I read your visit to the vet. Did you read my response? Check with Ron Dupont for a second opinion since it was the 1st time your kind vet worked with a PTS. What is the name of the medication?

I think your doing a great job. I'm concerned about that digit. When that is said and done, we'll discuss the prosthesis so that dill can climb again. When physically fully healthy, that will be a #1 priority. You should mist her often with a squirt bottle. She'll love you for it.

Most antibiotic treatments or de-worming procedures are given 1 a week for 3 weeks totoal on this species. For standard medications for say a Corucia weighting about 1.18 lbs=3/4 cc.
But again, it depends on the specific medicne used. Hopefully, this will be useful as a guide though.


:Hi again Brian...

:Well...Dill is just about finished her shed. Some old skin is left on the last 5 or so inches of her tail, plus a few patches here and there.
:I think soaking her has REALLY helped it along. It came off in such BIG peices! I don't know...maybe that's just seems so different compared to my cham, who sheds little patches at a time.
:Did you get a chance to read my post about Dill's trip to the vet?
:I've been putting the panalog cream on her feet every 4 to 6 hours...and the toe LOOKS a little better. I think some of the swelling has come down some, due to the topical steroid in the creme.
:I forgot to mention in that other post, that along with potential digital necrosis, the vet said Dill has cellulitis in that toe as well. I'm not sure of the severity of that particular condition...I haven't looked it up yet.
:The toe doesn't seem to be oozing fluid today though, thankfully, but it's still really red and sore looking.

:Today I put a nice branch in her enclosure. It has a subtle curve to it, and is about the thickness of my arm, which Dill doesn't seem to have much difficulty holding on to. The only thing is...if I put her up on it, she can hold on, and stay there...she can also get down when she wants...but she can not get up on her own. :o( I feel so bad for her!
:I also put a healthy pathos plant in with her...I've had it for years, so no pesticides on it for sure.
:Nothing seems to interest her! She took a couple bites of her dinner tonight...and then wandered away from up on top of her hidey, and layed at the base of her branch.
:I'm going to get her some repti-aide tomorrow, and see if that will pique her interest in eating reallllllly helped my I'll get the vegetarian version for Dill.

:I'll tell's NO easy task getting her medicine into her!
:Her mouth is like a vice!!!
:The vet was very specific about NOT over-dosing her, but it's so hard to be sure that I'm getting the right amount of medication into Dill. It seems so much ends up coming right back out at me!

:This morning, we had our little wrestling match...then AFTER the syringe was empty, Dill turned toward my hand, with her mouth WIDE open, as though she was saying..."c'mon...I DARE ya to try and give me anymore!"

:I'm just hoping that enough is going in to be of benefit!


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