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Dill's Vet Visit

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Posted by Bigtattoo on May 08, 2003 at 11:54:24:

In Reply to: Dill's Vet Visit posted by icequeen on May 07, 2003 at 23:59:05:

Well some good news anyway. I'm glad you found a herp friendly vet that you can get too. A reasonable one at that. I've had vets that I've had to tell them what's going on with my herps and then they charge me for the full load.

I don't necessarily think that because Dill is tame that she's C/B. Her condition indicates to me that she was w/c and probably was sold the first time for considerably less than what they sell for now. The cheaper price is similar to what we see on these forums all the time. "Where can I get, (insert the latest cool lizard here) cheap." Many people want lizards for all the wrong reasons. Then when they realize the amount of time and money needed to care for them so that they thrive they dump them before they die on them. I think this is the case with Dill.

I know she's in good hands and with the experience you've had with Zoe and the extreme measures you went to for his rehabilitation that Dill should be able to weather this and be well on the road to recovery.

Another opinion. She's probably better off with you than with the gent that lives 2 hours away that wouldn't travel that far for so valuable an animal. If he wouldn't make a 4 hour trip for Dill then I would question his willingness to care for her as you have. Keep up the good work and keep us informed.


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