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EEEEK!! My first shed with Dill....

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Posted by Bigtattoo on May 06, 2003 at 20:58:15:

In Reply to: EEEEK!! My first shed with Dill.... posted by icequeen on May 06, 2003 at 16:35:58:

From your description it sounds like you did a good job. It's not surprising that the skin is pink, this would be due to the lack of circulation from the constriction of the old skin. I'd keep an eye on it for a day or so and look for any signs of swelling or blackening of the toes. If they aren't already blackened there is a good chance you may have saved them. Polysporin would be ok as a prophylactic measure as long as she isn't on a substrate that would cling to it. If I remember correctly you're keeping her on paper towels. In her condition I would try to avoid systemic antibiotics at this point, they could complicate matters more than help.

Just my 2 cents

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