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EEEEK!! My first shed with Dill....

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Posted by icequeen on May 06, 2003 at 16:35:58:

Well...this afternoon Dill spent some time at the spa (really my kitchen sink...but she doesn't need to know that...I like to make her feel SPECIAL!)
After her soak, I took her outside, in the sunlight to see if I could work at any of the bands of skin on her toes.
I used Sherri's suggestion of a toothpick. I was able to work some off! The only thing is, that underneath what came off, it still seems like it's either just flesh under there, or more skin bands! It's a lighter colour, shinier, and no scales. I didn't want to prod to deeply and hurt her, so I stopped at that point.

The one toe, that I'm SO worried about...I was able to get some old skin off of that toe too! BUT...I'm very worried about it. The tip of the toe, is still vascular, and showed bright red beneath the surface once I got the old skin off, there was no frank bleeding, just under the skin. I'm worried about introducing infection at that site, and also, what is the liklihood of there being a pre-existing infection in the toe tip, and now it having access to the rest of her body with the release of some of the pressure from the band of skin? Is that a possibility?
At this stage in the game would polysporin (in Canada, you can not buy neosporin without a prescription) or the like be of any benefit, or does she probably need something systemic?
After she had completely dried off, I noticed her belly skin was "loose". It seemed to be moving around too easily. Well, turns out she's shedding!
Her belly scales came off in one sheet!
Maybe that explains her lack of enthusiasm lately, and disinterest in food???

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