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In support of Kim...

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Posted by Sherri on May 06, 2003 at 09:58:08:

In Reply to: This might sound hostile...but its not meant to be.... posted by icequeen on May 05, 2003 at 18:57:08:

In defense of Kim, things are not always black & white with simple solutions. When she first posted awhile back, it was an attempt to find aid for a lone PTS languishing in an Ontario pet store.

With Brian's help, we started researching on how to get Dill out of there but because of their CITES status there was alot of red tape involved to get the proper permits to allow her into the US. It did not feel like Dill had time on her side so the next alternative was to try & find someone in Canada to make the rescue. Eventually, we had found someone who, in turn, convinced Kim to go ahead & get Dill out of the pet store & he would get there within a week. With the promise of re-imbursing this person for the initial cost, he then started getting wishy-washy about making the 2 hour drive to pick-up Dill & this is how we arrived at this point.

Kim has worked exceptionally hard to do 'everything' right & to learn all she can about caring for Dill properly. She is a single mom with two kids that financially really couldn't afford to do this in the first place but because of her compassion, she went ahead. Learning through criticism can sometimes be a good thing but on the other hand, sometimes we can all be a bit too cynical & not know all the facts before we speak. I, for one, just appreciate everything she's tried to do & whether anyone thinks that a PTS rescue should only be done by an experienced PTS keeper then we would be minus one more Corucia today.

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