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Posted by barace21 on April 20, 2003 at 19:53:29:

Hello, this is my first post on this forum, but I have been reading for quite a few months now. I have a 1:3 group of PTS's that I have had for about 6 months. Until now everything has been great. About a week ago, one of my females was "resting" on the bottom of her enclosure, which is very rare for any of them. The only time they go to the bottom is for food. Anyways a few hours later, she was still down there, but on the other side. She looked very out of sorts, cold, and uninterested in anything I did to her. She then proceeded to "suck in " her sides and sway back and forth for several minutes. I then took her and put her in her own enclosure where she has remained for the last week. Now she has perked up quite a bit and seems very healthy (except she won't eat very much). She is extremely aggressive. I really don't know what to do. Do you think she is pregnant? sick? Any suggestions would be appreciated. If you need any additional info, I can provide it. Thanks

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