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Posted by jess b on April 21, 2003 at 14:00:55:

In Reply to: Re: WORRIED ABOUT PTS posted by Sherri on April 21, 2003 at 09:41:07:

Hello- thanks for the words of confidence! From reading the description, yes the PTS sounds like it was uncomfortable- but due to what- we can only guess. I had (still have) a female that got distended and arched her back, acted restless, strained ect- she responded to supportive care (soaking, hand feeding, pain medication- x-rays ruled out constipation/obvious obstruction). My big comment on your situation is it is nice to ask questions after the fact in case this happens again, but next time your PTS is having obvious trouble- take it to the vet if this is at all possible! You have a group of rare, expensive and special animals- access to good vet care and use of said care is an important part of responsible ownership. I AM glad your PTS is doing better now.
I can directly attribute my one experience of back arching in my PTS Gertie with husbandry changes (I am sure it was my fault- I moved around the heat sources, including her favorite bask spot). If you want to share your cage specifics, diet, temperatures, humidity info with the many PTS keepers here- I am sure we would love to share compliments or constructive comments.
Best wishes, jess b

.:Yes, I do believe I know what this is but I still will feel more comfortable with Jess addressing you. When the back arches & you have that swaying motion, it is bloating from gas. I dealt with this phenomenon for the first time a couple of months ago & my good friend Susan from PTSkinks had a wonderful phrase for it & that was 'going vertical'! Usually with a couple of good soaks & rehydration, ( I use pedialyte) the symptons will disappear within 24 hours. Jess says that this condition is painful but I have not ever had to resort to using medication. I have since had 3 other females do this which in turn made me re-evaluate the diet (for the umpteenth time. Interestingly enough, I never had any of my males suffer from this. I hope this help but do wait for Jess.

:Good luck,



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