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Re: Tribolonotus

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Posted by iwana on April 11, 2003 at 16:45:42:

In Reply to: Tribolonotus posted by Deano on April 11, 2003 at 14:03:56:

Hey Deano (or is it Dean?),

Thanks for the info! We are counting the days until the show on the 19th. :-) My husband wants to get a pair of Macklot's pythons, but we were also considering a pair of brazilian rainbow boas. Goregeous snakes. :-)

What invertebrates do you keep? Are they food for the tribs? :-) I hope you plan on posting pictures of your trib setups, they must be nice. We're making a setup using a Rubbermaid container (about 20" long, 14" deep and 11" high). Will post pics of the new kids in their new home. :-)


:As wrote on the site, tribs are defiantly more active during dusk and dawn than at night as Ophidiophile says, the reason I now this is because all the trib tanks have a 15 watt red bulb that I use to watch them at night but after 3 years plus I have seen only one or two tribs out after lights out, and if I can remember rightly they were both (Tribolonotus Novaeguinae) babies the “muddy eyed Croc Skinks”.
:I have keep tribs without UV were I work, they were newly imported WC specimens, they did ok for a time without UV but after a specimen died (I believe died of stress being in captivity and all) after this they were relocated to a Cage with UV fittings and they did fine, until I nicked them to add to my collection and strengthen my blood line (they are still all alive and doing great got babies last year and got eggs this year).
:The Sites being updated 2 or 3 times a month, but I will post it on the forum once its finished but just keep checking it!
:I only keep the two different types of Tribolonotus available in the U.K (Novaeguinae and Gracilis) and I have a Trio of Argentinean Rainbow Boas plus a few inverts.
:Thanks for Lookin’

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