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Posted by Deano on April 11, 2003 at 14:03:56:

In Reply to: Re: YES to Lighting for crocodile skinks posted by iwana on April 10, 2003 at 17:18:29:

As wrote on the site, tribs are defiantly more active during dusk and dawn than at night as Ophidiophile says, the reason I now this is because all the trib tanks have a 15 watt red bulb that I use to watch them at night but after 3 years plus I have seen only one or two tribs out after lights out, and if I can remember rightly they were both (Tribolonotus Novaeguinae) babies the “muddy eyed Croc Skinks”.
I have keep tribs without UV were I work, they were newly imported WC specimens, they did ok for a time without UV but after a specimen died (I believe died of stress being in captivity and all) after this they were relocated to a Cage with UV fittings and they did fine, until I nicked them to add to my collection and strengthen my blood line (they are still all alive and doing great got babies last year and got eggs this year).
The Sites being updated 2 or 3 times a month, but I will post it on the forum once its finished but just keep checking it!
I only keep the two different types of Tribolonotus available in the U.K (Novaeguinae and Gracilis) and I have a Trio of Argentinean Rainbow Boas plus a few inverts.
Thanks for Lookin’

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