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Airborne policy

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Posted by geckoville on October 06, 2002 at 20:46:55:

In Reply to: Re: Airborne Mis-billing,double billing, and outrages charges posted by Jim Merli on September 26, 2002 at 20:59:01:

I too have had problems with Airborne. I actually lost $400 worth of leopard geckos with them and since I guaranteed live arrival I had to ship more animals at my loss. When I contacted Airborne about the matter they sent me the claim slip but found out two things-1. All perishable items (this includes live animals) have to be able to last up to two days in transit. 2. Lizards, reptiles, snakes, etc are not to be accepted for shipment by any Airborne employee period! The way I see it Airborne can just take my account and...Here's the kicker...The replacement animals got lost enroute and then arrived late on the second day. Thank God they were all right this time. Airborne will never see another box from me. As for the actual and billed shipping charges...When you drop off a box at the counter they charge you by the weight. when the bill comes you'll notice that they charged you by the size of the box. ie a 12x10x8 box that weighs 1lb will cost $20.96 at the counter. When the bill comes you'll notice that you were charged by the box size instead of the weight. That's where the $38 and change comes from.

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