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MOving FROM Florida to CAlifornia!!!! help!

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Posted by beth on January 25, 2002 at 01:32:53:

Ok..well this isnt exactly about shipping to people from a breeder. I'm going out to CA for school. But i do need to figure out a way to get my reptiles cross county quickly and seeing as driving inst an option i'm stuck! I've decided that my bearded dragon [who gets stressed very easily] probably wouldnt do to well with a huge move. And i've found someone to take my rat and my amphibians as pets. The only reptiles i've decided to take with me are my Kingsnake and My lep. Gecko.
The only thing ive come up with that half way makes some scence is to have the poeple i'm going to be living with over there go buy cages for me. and then i'd send all the cage funiture stuff overnight shipping right before i left.
And for the animals i was thinking i could get two like rubbermade containers, the rectangle ones. drill holes in them for air and put them into one of those "pet" travel bags... lik e"sherpa bags" i think they are called. and take them on the plane with me. BUT... can i do this. will the pressure bother them?>
Will the airline even allow it. i mean you can really see inside the bags to much. i dont know i'm mostly worried about if the changes in altitude will hurt them. If anyone had experienc concerning this I'd GREATLY appreciate your help.
I'm not moving untill May, becasue i have to finish school here for one last semester first. But i wanted to ask well in advance so that i'd have any options open. Thanks for all your help in advance.

Beth [and Sigme' the gecko and Yo' the kingsnake]

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