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I'm not really sure what is up with the USPS

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Posted by Arokh on January 14, 2002 at 21:37:13:

In Reply to: I had the same thing happen--tiny lizards returned posted by Esther on January 11, 2002 at 06:25:15:

As far as getting them there before noon, it entirely depends on your post office and the post office in which they get delivered to. I just say noon because that seems to be a good rule of thumb. I dropped them off at the post office at 11:30am, and got to the destination post office at about 3 pm the next day (this is minnesota to california with time difference factored in). Obviously the heat packs had run out by then, but all that really mattered was that they got out of minnesota within the 12 hours, as california is much warmer this time of year. If I had been shipping to a colder state, I would've found longer heat pads.

I guess I don't really know what the actual USPS policy is on shipping reptiles, that is why I wrote exactly what was on the box. Common name, species name, quantity, and the phrase "Harmless, non-poisonous geckos". Maybe this was the trick that got them through, not sure. After speaking to the recipient, it seems like they had minimal stress using my packing method. They were out of the critter keeper and running around in their new home within 15 minutes.


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