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I had the same thing happen--tiny lizards returned

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Posted by Esther on January 11, 2002 at 06:25:15:

In Reply to: Re: Successful ship, here's how I did it. posted by will on January 10, 2002 at 21:51:25:

A couple of months ago, I also tried to ship some tiny harmless lizards by Express Mail in a box labeled "live lizards--harmless", only to have them
returned to me, with the explanation that the AIRLINE refused to carry them. They were accepted readily enough at my P.O.

I e-mailed the USPS asking for a clarification of their policy, as you can see in my other recent post, and they haven't had it together to answer my query--although they solicit such queries on their website. From recent experiences with the USPS personnel about their policies knowledge, I must conclude that they draw their employees from a lobotomy farm or something. They don't know jack about what's what, don't want to know, and neither do their supervisors.

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