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Where can you buy the food?/n/p

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Posted by geekogeek on October 08, 2002 at 15:27:41:

In Reply to: Update on the new crested diet! posted by Tegan on October 07, 2002 at 23:00:11:

:Just thought I would keep you all updated on how the new food that Allen provided for our lovely little critters is working out! Day two and not five minutes after the lights go out for the night (the time the geckos normally come out of hiding and start running around) I do a quick final check and misting (gotta love red lights) and they have their little snouts in the new food just lapping it up. I do have to say it's a hit!! I'm planing to weigh them all again in about a week to see if they gain any (the two females laid not to long ago so it'll be good to see if the new diet helps put the weight back on from making eggs). When (and it seems like if now) my eggs hatch I am going to start the little ones on this new food right away. I do have to admit, I had my doubts at first because of how runny the food was when first mixing it up, but I have no doubts now that its a great product! Thanks Allen!!!


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