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Re: death by duck tape.

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Posted by SLCT_Rep777 on March 30, 2003 at 15:45:51:

In Reply to: death by duck tape. posted by alzapa on March 30, 2003 at 14:57:21:

:All I read about setting up a home for these little guys say they like to have stuff to climb on. So off to Wal-Mart I went and got some fake vines and duck taped it to the wall and one of them fell and a lizard got on the take and got 3 of his feet stuck and his belly. After a little surgery all that is left in a small patch on his belly. He is about 3 months old. How often do they shed, do they shed? He gets around good and eats well. So now my concern is if the glue on the tape will bleed through his belly and kill him. Yes I do fell really bad and somewhat stupid for this.

Don't feel too bad. I learned a while ago not to have tape (of any kind) in the vicinity of my reptiles. I had purchased an adorable and very tiny CBB hatchling SideWinder Rattlesnake at a herp show and had a horrible accident while unpacking it. When purchased, the container was taped for security reasons with that clear packing tape (which is almost like fly paper, much thinner and stickier than duct tape). When unpacking the snake I peeled back most of the tape to one side of the container and popped the lid back towards the tape, the snake jumped out but was snagged by a tiny bit of the tape, before I had a chance to try to remove him, the snake struggled and wiggled and got very mixed up and stuck on the tape. I tried to gently remove it, but it was impossible. The snake was so tiny (~4") and was stuck to the tape like it was fly paper. I ended up having to freeze the snake to put him out of his misery. I felt just terrible. It was really one of the saddest things I've ever experienced.

Unfortunately, accidents happen. I'm glad your little guy made it. I don't believe duct tape is toxic, so hopefully he'll be ok. Good luck him.

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