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UPDATE on aggressive male: **SUCCESS!!!**

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Posted by Gecko2525 on February 23, 2003 at 16:45:48:

Sorry so long.

This weekend I put my male in with my 'other' female. Turn off all the lights and watched from a distance.
With in the first half an hour he bit her AGAIN right in the head and she squeeled (which I thought was her)!! Frustrated I took her out and made sure she was all right. Then that same noise I thought was her...came form Drako (male). It sounded like a very angry hamster or something. So I'm not sure if it was him or the females doing the noise before.
Anyway...I took a chance and put here back in. Plus, I cranked the temp in my room to a rosting 77 - 79 F. An hour later he walked up to her bit her in the neck. The female didn't move or make a noise, either did Drako. He began to climb on top of her. She moved a little bit forward and then stopped. He quickly flip his butt around and they started to mate.
I was SO THRILLED!! Worried still I waited up ALL night and didn't get to sleep until 5:00am. LOL Every noise I was out of my bed to make sure everything was fine. There was no noises through out the night. In the later morning I woke up and checked on them, they were laying together and she had her head on his body. It was SSsoooo cute.

So I have no idea what the fuss was about earlier??
Anyways he woke her up at like 3:00pm today and started to make his move AGAIN!! The poor girl. :(

Anyway...I am very happy....but he is walking around licking himself you know where and it is in and out all the time.
Is this normal?

And how long should I leave him in there?? To make sure she has his sperm.

He is still in there now and I haven't heard any noise since that one time last night. I'm not getting my hopes up though. Things might go back to the way they were next weekend. lol


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