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Help - trying to "rescue" crested from Petco, have some ?s

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Posted by shortydsm on February 17, 2003 at 22:57:27:

Well I posted this in the gecko forum and they told me to come here... There is an adult(?) Crested Gecko at my local Petco that has been there in an uncleaned, small tank for over 8 months now. He is missing his tail completely. It makes me sad to go in there & look at him, I know he deserves better than that sh*thole place! (Sorry, I have many issues with Petco!) They are trying to sell it for $90, which is already half price. Obviously, no one has wanted to spend that much on a lizard with no tail that looks so sad & never seems to move from its one branch :-( so I'm going to try to get the manager to give it to me for free or at least discount it more so I can give the poor guy a nice home. If they won't let me have it, I will just switch the box & put the UPC number of an anole on there instead so I'd only have to pay $8 for it, which is like stealing I guess but it's worth it for the cause, to me at least!

Anyway, I already have 2 anoles in a 29gal and 2 baby water dragons in a 50gal... could the Crestie be housed with either of the lizards I have, or would I have to go buy another tank? I was thinking of maybe putting him in with the anoles?
What do they eat? What is the best temp/humidity? Any other sites I can go to for info? I am not sure how old he/she is, but I held it before & it is about the size of my palm (w/o its tail of course) and since they've had it almost a year, I'm assuming its an adult?

I know nothing about their environments or what they eat (obviously Petco doesn't either) so I need all the help & advice possible before I take my negotiating & debate skills over to Petco. Thanks all ~Danielle

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