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Wanting to get a Rhac. Leachianus PLEASE HELP!

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Posted by Clipso on January 13, 2003 at 13:40:16:

Hi, umm I habe 5 leopard geckos 1 tokay 1 golden gecko and one snake. Now I want to get a Rhacodactylus Leachianus because they are so big and beautiful. I do have a few questions though. I want to know if someone has a care sheet I could get a copy of, which one is the bigger of the sex, the male or female, and also My mom is a preschool teacher and she wants to be able to take it to school and show it to the kids, will it be okay to be shown off, I mean she has them sit down and they are super quite, I have taken my geckos for years. Also, how hard are they to hand tame? is there anywhere that I can get one for a good price that maybe half handtame. or half grown, maybe even a full grown one?

You can e-mail me or put the replay up one the fourm. I would really appriciadte it. Sorry for the spelling, I'm bad at that.


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