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Re: A little problem

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Posted by RhacsRsweet on January 02, 2003 at 14:41:26:

In Reply to: A little problem posted by GECKOFREAK on January 02, 2003 at 13:16:34:

Your temps are too cold. The temperature should be about 82 by day and 72 at night. He is probably not eating for that reason. Mine will slow down at about 70 degrees so I don't allow it to get that cold. Most likely if you raise the temp it will start to eat again. Reptile are heat powered, and if they don't have enough heat they will stop doing normal stuff. He probably isn't warm enough to try out your new decor. Hope he gets better:)

:Help! My Cresty, Krusty(his name) has had maybe 2 or 3 crix since X-mas day, I've tried giving him bananna fruit and peach baby food but he hasn't tried any. Is there a feeding pattern I need to follow? Oh Yah, about 4 days after X-mas he shed. My temps have been about 65 to 70 during the day I feel that this is too cold even though I have had a basking lamp in there for a while... Lastly, I put in a small fake palm tree,but he doesn't seem to really sleep in it or anything. Is this cuz' his cage is long, not tall? (I'm saving for a 20 gallon tall) or maybe I could conver the one i have currently to a tall, any ideas?

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