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Re: I am now a proud owner of a crested gecko....

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Posted by RhacsRsweet on December 31, 2002 at 15:54:54:

In Reply to: Re: I am now a proud owner of a crested gecko.... posted by LeoMan on December 31, 2002 at 13:28:37:

That's a great setup for a baby. A good way to tell if they crested has eaten is to spread the babyfood out so that it is flat then when you see there are dips in the food you know he's been in there. Sometimes however they just jump in the food and it looks like they have eaten. Usaully they don't eat a whole lot. They eat much less than what you put in. I usually put a quarter sized spot in, but they only eat a little bit of it. Now I offer 2 kinds of food at a time. Maybe half apricot, half plum. Mine really like the plum. I dust crickets, but not baby food because most wouldn't eat it. I have also found that the most young for some strange reason won't eat crickets out of a bowl. I usually put half the crickets in the bowl and the rest outside. If you do let crickets roam around in the cage you need to use paper towel, because substrates can be ingested and cause big problems. Paper towel is also much cheaper and easier to maintain.

:I am keeping it in a 10g for now. There are a lot of sticks and vines for it to hide in. How much should it eat? I put some peach baby food and spirulina in its cage right away. When I went back in my room it was on its food bowl. I couldn't tell if it was eating or not but when I came back in it had left the food bowl. I couldn't tell if the baby food was touched. Will it eat very much at one time? Thanks


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