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Re: Hate to burst your bubble

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Posted by G Quirk on January 01, 2003 at 14:22:07:

In Reply to: Hate to burst your bubble posted by G Quirk on January 01, 2003 at 12:58:02:

I really like the pattern/color on the female, Nice Crested.

:This is a German Bloodline that is born Orange with no flecks,spots or stripes and over the past 6 years when bred to uncontaminated blood they produce the same appearing offspring period. They Have never produced any other color or pattern. I have had your same experiance with other bloodlines (you never know what you will get) but not with these.



::"This bloodline is born orange and stays that way"

::I really don't think there is a single blood line that is born the way it will look when it is a an adult. All cresties change as they get older, much like leopard geckos. Some will get brighter, others duller, and some will totally surprise you. Take a look....


::The above change is typical. All most all of my hatchlings look like day 1 when they are born, however in a few weeks they quickly start to change, and continue to do so. Some of the others turned out like this (after looking like day 1 when born).......

::This one caught us by surprise as it looks nothing like either parent...

::This one turned out to be a mix....

:: And this gecko ended up being a duller orange then the one up top.

::What is even more amazing is that all the color varations you saw above came from the same exact parents (got to love their genetics) that I paired together this past season. Here is what they look like.....

::The male

::the female

::Most of my stock is similar to the adults above, however i do have other morphs that show the same color change. Morphs like harlequins and fires are born with the stripe, however that will quickly change also. Below is one of our fire females...

::Gecko two years ago....

::Gecko today.

::Anyway sorry for the lenghty post. I just wanted to point out how you never know what you are going to get when you buy a young animal. However that is the fun of it. You might buy an average looking hatchling who ends up being a stunner. Looking at slightly older hatchlings (3-5 monts)and their parents, will give you a good "idea" of what the final product will be.


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