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Re: Possibly psychotic

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Posted by RhacsRsweet on December 08, 2002 at 22:17:19:

In Reply to: EVERYONE THAT POSTED READ THIS!! posted by Gecko2525 on December 08, 2002 at 22:00:22:

Maybe he's just one of those "psycho" geckos that will never calm down. Too much caffeine maybe. Ha ha just joking. This may just take some time. This will happen to some of my reptiles from time to time.

:To answer everyones questions or future questions in one post:

:- No I have not be overhandling him, if anything I am under-handling him.
:- I tried handling him in the day and night. I figured during the day he would be more calm. Then at night I thought he wouldn't be so grumpy. I have really just been handling him at night because of what you said, not waking him up all the time (I felt bad anyway).
:- I was the one who said I wash my hands before handling another reptile.
:- I have a metal lid with a door in the middle and it doesn't come off easily. With this lid he can't climb off of the tank edge onto my hand. I don't want to switch to a screen lid because I don't really like them that much.
:- No I don't grab him I try to let him crawl onto me.
:- If I tap his legs to get him to crawl onto my hand he FREAKS OUT and jumps over my hand and smashes into the glass and runs up the side.
:- Everytime I touch him he goes nuts and runs around and jumps everywhere (blind) and I am afraid he is going to hurt himself.
:- In case anyone is wondering it isn't a calcium thing either. He gets it every other day on crickets and multi. once every week.
:- One more thing. Yes the cage is big enough (25 gallon tall).

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