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Guaranteed female and breedable age???? Good luck >>>>

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Posted by Silly-atus fan on December 05, 2002 at 06:25:45:

In Reply to: I want another guaranteed female.....Where can I get one? posted by Gecko2525 on December 04, 2002 at 23:23:37:

Guaranteed female and breedable size? I wish you luck finding her.
Very few people keep the babies long enough to guarantee females, they'd have to darn near be a year old. The males can be sexed a lot sooner, but for a 'guaranteed' female, you have to wait long enough to eliminate the late blossoming males that cresteds are so famous for.... that puts it at close to a year.
With males being so common, if the breeder isn't lucky, he could be holding a dozen cresties for a year to find out they're all male - and selling a mature male isn't easy. Most people would prefer to take their chances with an unsexed one, and hope for the best.
Even though I get a lot of females (well over 60%), I still wouldn't guarantee any one of them a female unless she's over a year old or I KNOW she's produced eggs. The best I'd do is say the odds are in favour of this or that one being female, but no guarantees. So, unless you can find someone who's getting rid of an adult female, you might have to take your chances with an unsexed one. If you do find a guaranteed no-doubt-about-it female, be prepared to pay a premium price.

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