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Why Does My Crestie Hate Baby Food?

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Posted by gecko_geek on November 21, 2002 at 21:03:54:

Okay i have a five month old fire morph crested gecko. I put crickets in it's food dish and it eats them all in about 1-2 minutes (usually around 5-7 appropriately sized ones)and then sits in the dish waiting for more and will eat more if offered. However it hardly ever touches the baby food and i've tried banana meal banana desert apricot peach and many others. The only food other than crickets it will eat more that a mouthful of is banana desert but because it's desert i assume it's not as healthy. In fact it'll attack anything that moves fingers water drops etc. and this is after i give it tons of crix or all the baby food it wants. So my questions are, does it hate baby food? is banana desert okay? Is it okay with how much it eats (in babyfood)? Please help, Thanks in Advance.

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