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Re: Question for mikecoscia, or anyone else...

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Posted by Ike420 on November 18, 2002 at 12:41:40:

In Reply to: Re: Question for mikecoscia, or anyone else... posted by mikecoscia on November 18, 2002 at 09:51:59:

Mike, I use live plants (large ones) to house juvenile geckos. I have two arboreal cages (round with screen all the way around and a round screen top with base). Each cage holds 3 juveniles. I prefer to use large set ups for babies so that they have a chance to build up their tails as younger animals, which decreases the chences of tail drop or tail droop as they grow older. In order to feed them, however, i remove all animals from their cages and out them in plastic dishes (like the ones you get from a chinese restaurant) with air holes soldered into the sides and top. It takes a bit more work, but i think the tails of my babies are worth the time.

:Hi Jen,
:Yes I do feed all my adults with bowls. I find it much easier to monitor what they are eating, and of course it is much easier for them to find their food. The bowls I use are small dog crocks, which are around 2-3 inches high so I do not need to remove the legs. The crix can jump out if they really try, but they rarely do. For smaller bowls, you will need to remove the back legs. My guys learned pretty quickly, within the first few days they figured it out. Now every night they sit in their bowls waiting for me..hehe. As for my hatchlings, their cages are too small for large bowls. In those cases I use bare minimum for cage décor. Just two sticks crossing each other, a small piece of silk foliage draping over the sticks, no substrate, and of course a water bowl. This way the crix have no places to hide, and none are wasted.

:Anyway, if you have a lot of furniture, there is a good chance a majority of the crix are hiding. Bowl feeding is a great way to make sure your gecko gets a chance to fill himself. It also prevents a lot of the vitamins that you dust your crix with from rubbing off.

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