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Re: Why?

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Posted by Silly-atus fan on October 26, 2002 at 18:34:03:

In Reply to: Re: Why? posted by G Quirk on October 26, 2002 at 17:38:34:

:Well at last I have found someone else that investigates instead of taking the literatures word for it.We will have to get together and trade out some bloodlines.I'm bored, I think maybe I will write a care book on Elephants, Oh by the way where do they live?LOL!!!!!

I'm an information junkie, so researching info is almost a hobby for me. I don't always find what I'm looking for, but at least I try. There are so many sources of info for Rhacs, and so many different opinions on what's right and wrong, it can make your head spin. If you rule out the minority, and the obviously wrong info, you find that most people agree on temperature and humidity range -- if it's comfy for humans, it's comfy for them too. The only time to really increase humidity seems to be when the temperature spikes higher than they like it.

I'm in the Great White North of Canada, which makes things a bit difficult trading bloodlines, sorry :)
The big advantage to living here is that normal room temperatures are perfect for Rhacs. Summer heat isn't normally excessive for them. With winter temps controlled by the furnace, they get an almost natural cooling period, so the females stop laying for about 3 months.

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