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Posted by Krystal19_85 on May 07, 2003 at 19:15:48:

In Reply to: If it's your first, I would suggest a dwarf or dwarf albino, posted by BrianSmith on May 07, 2003 at 18:36:38:

I wanted a retic, then when I saw the dwarfs I figured it would be better to get one to learn, since they are NOT my ball pythons lol. My Fiance would love it if I got a dwarf, as he is scared of my Ball Pyhtons even when there babies, and has to warm up to them individually. He says no snakes over 8' in our house EVER LOL but I think he will warm up to snakes when I start getting more and more, he really loves them once he gains the trust. I think he would love to say he had a 15' snake! LOL he would have to have it from a hatchling to trust one though. I am still considering dwarfs, but I really like the big ones! Guess it is a trip I have to own things that really scare people. I know people with ball pythons that are scared of Retics LOL I like the animals more than anything but I love it when people are scared to come in my house LOL. My friend had a Burmese that he would sometimes let roam the house, it freaked everyone out (an albino)! not to mention it learned that if it slid along the door hadles the door opened, so he really scared people! LOL I loved it! I woulden't want him for that reason, just because I LOVE them, but that is a perk! LOL

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