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If it's your first, I would suggest a dwarf or dwarf albino,

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Posted by BrianSmith on May 07, 2003 at 18:36:38:

In Reply to: Most posted by Krystal19_85 on May 07, 2003 at 18:21:04:

Retics get big pretty fast unless you starve them. In my opinion an average retic would be between 12 and 15 feet at age 3. (18-24 months here) Even when they are tame they can be quite a handful. Even though I consider them "easy" to keep, I have been doing it for many years and I know what to expect from them, and USUALLY I succeed in not getting hurt. But no matter how experienced one is, $#!+ does happen. (unless someone is a full on pansy and never comes into contact with their pet, in which case it's care is likely lacking) But just about 2 months ago I almost got it right in the face by a subadult retic of only about 8 feet. She did something a little out of the ordinary and I wasn't expecting it. Had my reaction time been slightly slower I would have had a pin cushin face and perhaps even eye damage or loss. Now, my intention here is not to scare anyone or dissuade ownership, but just to show by example that things can and do happen and to expect the craziest things when keeping these snakes. Never take your eyes off of what they are doing. Maybe not so much when they are little, like between 3 and 6 feet, but after 7 feet they begin to get some considerable weight and can have a strike half the length of their body. But for first retics I would suggest a dwarf

:What do you think is the most beautiful type of retcis, Post pics! I am a Ball Python freak, but I want a retic, but I am confused on what type to get, I like alot of them, I think pics would help. Thanks!

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