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UVB Fixtures

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Posted by Alli on May 12, 2003 at 11:51:07:

In my set up, I have the basking area an the side of the tank, with a basking lamp clamped to the side. I don't have any cover over the tank. I've been looking into the UVB bulbs, since I'm not sure if my basking bulb contains that...since it's not a long flourescent bulb. Anyway, I see that all of these UVB bulb fixtures look as if they need to be laying on top of something over the tank, rather than clamping to the sides of my question is: Does the UVB bulb need to be over the basking area, or can I have it on the other side of the tank over the water, so that I can lay the cover over half of the tank and so I don't need to rethink how to attach the basking light clamp to the tank?

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