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Posted by nathana on May 02, 2003 at 12:05:14:

In Reply to: Calling all people with gravel :) posted by periwinklewalnut on May 01, 2003 at 14:51:00:

gravel on it's own is a bad thing. It harbors bad bacteria because there is little or no circulation and oxygenated water getting down into it, where the wastes collect. Adding an undergravel filter plate and a powerhead or two (as is appropriate for your tank) and a nice layer of gravel (thicker is better) and you get gravel that instead works as a giant biological filter.

I've kept bare tanks, tanks with gravel and no ugf, tanks with flat stones, and a UGF with gravel, and one other filter for chunks is a MIRACLE combination in my opinion. I will never have another tank set up without both a UGF and another filter (preferably a decent cannister filter) the combo is simply amazing not only for clear clean water, but for water where the ammonia and nitrate/ite levels are all easy to maintain or self-maintaining for the most part.

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